I haven’t written much in large part because I got married in July! It was a magical, fun and beautiful day. It was both of our second marriage, but we still did a whole thing. We had cake, dancing, lots of wine, pictures, family and friends from near and far and oh so much love was shared. It is amazing what maturity and age can bring to a wedding.
What neither of us had this time however, were parents. All four of our parents have passed away. In fact, my mom was the only one to be around for any part of our relationship, in physical form anyway. If you don't know, I am a firm believer we are never really alone, no matter how our loved ones interact with us.
Besides the magic of the wedding, the signs surrounding us were everywhere. If you have read my blog at all, you know I am a firm believer in signs and synchronicities. No coincidences here, just lots of magic and validation that we are truly never alone.
One of the times we visited our wedding venue before the big day, I mentioned that I ordered up a bald eagle to fly overhead. Seemed like a big ask, but I was hopeful! Our venue was on the shores of Lake Erie, high on a cliff for reference. The night before the wedding, as we drove to the rehearsal and walk through, sure enough a bald eagle flew along the shore, parallel to our car. I was delighted at this synchronicity! Thank you, Spirit, or whoever sent me my eagle!
At the rehearsal, my older brother was going to walk me down the aisle. I had asked him months earlier so this was our practice run. As he prepared to march me down the aisle, he started humming the Imperial March from Star Wars. This was not only weird and unexpected, as I am not a Star Wars person, but it flipped me out because the night before, while at home with my son, I started humming the same tune. I even played Star Wars music on the speaker to get the ear worm out of my head. My son was thinking I was a nut, but that is not new so he didn’t say much about this. When he noticed what my brother was humming that night however, even he was shocked at the synchronicity.
The morning of the wedding, we were a little behind schedule. On the way to the wedding venue to get ready, another bald eagle flew along the shore, parallel to the car. Now I was over the moon! Just goes to show you, we are always exactly where we need to be, no matter how late or early we feel.
After the ceremony, full of confidence and joy, we all gathered on the terrace for the cocktail hour. My daughter grabbed my arm and points to the sky. A third bald eagle is circling! Ok, now I was truly convinced this was not a coincidence. What a lovely feeling to not only see one bald eagle, but three inside of 24 hours! Thank you to who or whatever was sending these birds my way. Clearly, they know what a skeptic I can be so sending three eagles should be enough to shut me up!
To quote a 1990’s infomercial, “But wait, there’s more...”
Our dear friend married us. She came to our rescue when the first officiant was double booked and did an amazing job with the service. We were thrilled to have her marry us! After the ceremony, she changed from her “service” dress into a party dress. I was fully aware that my friend not only took her role as officiant seriously but also took her outfits very seriously. She had bought and returned many dresses in pursuit of the perfect one. Imagine my surprise when she turns up not in any of the dresses she bought but one she had borrowed from me the previous year. My mouth was hanging open when I saw her! “It still had the tags on it,” she said. “Yes, I know. It was my mother’s!” My mother was also a fashionista it turns out and I took this dress from her closet when she died. It was gorgeous and as reported, never worn, until that is, by my friend to my wedding. Way to show up to the wedding Mom!
When she turned to walk away at dinner time, I noticed something had fallen out of her bag and let her know. She reached down to pick it up and it was a tarot sticker which had fallen face down. When she picked it up, we both gasped because it was the lovers. If you don’t know tarot, the lovers is exactly what it sounds like: two people connected and standing together in the Garden of Eden. It is an indication of wholeness within yourself and in partnership and is a sign of true partnership and blossoming love. Again, more magic. She said she didn’t even know that this sticker was in her bag!

We had a glorious event filled with fun and love. On Sunday, we were exhausted but happy. Neither of us wanted to cook so we went to this out of the way, sort of old school place for a nice quiet dinner. On the drive there, ever the skeptic, I was thinking to myself, “Is it really a big deal to see three bald eagles in 24 hours?” Just then, we came upon a tractor trailer with this big custom design emblazoned on the side of the cab which read: “Flying with the Eagles.”
Fine, I see you. No more doubting the magic and connection!
After dinner, there was a quick rainstorm and sure enough a rainbow followed. See literally every other blog post I have written to see how much rainbows mean to me. It was literally the only one I have seen all summer with the exception of sundogs and sun halos. More magic!
Dave wanted to take the long and scenic way home, and as we did, a fox ran in front of our car. To quote “The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit” deck by Kim Krans, “Foxes are ideal partners, as they commit to relationships for the long term and their natural charisma keeps things exciting. Fox energy helps us stay true to those dear to us.”

Boom. Mic drop. Nothing left to say but thank you. Thank you to all who were physically present on our wedding day but also to those who showed up in their own way. Your presence was not lost on us. After dinner, my brother made a speech to honor all of our parents and even coordinated a brother sister dance for both Dave and I in lieu of the traditional parent dances. It was such a surprising and loving thing to do, bringing all of them together. They in turn showed up in their own way and it will never be forgotten.